love all creatures and world

Reduce the origami paper 

1. Reflection
I like to make origami, usually I make it from paper. I like making origami because one paper can be many shapes, it all depends on two things, namely ideas and paper. but I realize my hobby is also wiping paper besides origami paper usually some color also contains plastic

2. Wisdom
paper is generally made from wood fiber. the fact is that to make five hundred sheets of paper one tree is 5 years old. then if we don't consider the use of paper it's the same you don't care about your environment.

3. Action Now
I want to use only recycled paper, but what I know is that this paper is not widely sold. maybe I will try to make it from used paper like a newspaper, so I care more about the environment, and reduce paper waste and fortunately I also can save money

4. action plan
to make recycled paper I need used paper then tear it up and destroy it and make it a new paper material, so that in color I will add textile coloring to make it attractive, then I can sell it and get some money.
I hope I can help this situation.

5. pledge
I promise not to waste more paper and use it as well as possible, and I will reduce paper waste by making it new paper 

6. Love
Love all creatures and world
Reduce the paper waste with Digital Notes


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